The National Association of Chevros Kadisha

Mission Statement / Board of Directors / Rabbinic Advisory Board / Officers

Mission Statement

The Association of Chevros Kadisha, founded in 1996, was created in order to form a united and cohesive group of Jewish Burial Societies, both in the NY Metropolitan area and nationally, dedicated to traditional practices. It acts as an umbrella organization to assist member groups in defining, establishing, and achieving their goals.

The activities of The Association include:
  1. To help in the establishment and development of new Chevros Kadisha, in congregational and communal settings. It may also assist in setting standards and recommended practices.

  2. Training individuals in the laws and hands-on techniques and procedures of Chevra Kadisha involvement; in the hospital, funeral home, house of Shiva, etc. Seminars, workshops, and informational programming utilizing many media forms.

  3. Education and outreach to the community-at-large explaining the work of the Chevra Kadisha and the importance and meaning of traditional Jewish burial practice such as in-ground burial, Tahara, Tachrichim, etc.

  4. Helping the clergy and Chevra Kadisha members deal with their own emotions and counseling others with whom they interact.

  5. Acting as liaison to funeral homes and cemeteries representing the perspectives of congregations and Chevros Kadisha.

  6. Conducting national or regional conferences, classes and lectures, providing information and inspiration to Chevros Kadisha and the community-at-large.

  7. Publication of a newsletter, pamphlets, and other printed material, discussing issues of Jewish law, current practices, and all matters of concern to Chevros Kadisha. The goal is to be an ongoing resource to Chevra Kadisha groups by sharing information and experience.

  8. Creating and maintaining a Halachic hotline for the purpose of answering questions from clergy or Chevra Kadisha members that arise prior to or during the Tahara process.

  9. Developing and supporting legislative initiatives that assist the work and goals of Chevros Kadisha and maintaining a watch for legislative initiatives that could be hurtful to such goals.

  10. Creating a Registry of Chevros Kadisha, national and international, to assist the Chevros Kadisha, the clergy, and the community-at-large, both pre-need and at-need.

  11. Developing a national network for dealing with Jewish people who are indigent and/or without family to be buried quickly and in accordance with Jewish law.